
The fine-tuning of the universe:- The design argument for God’s existence

By Mohammad Abid Bahrami

One of the most invaluable case for the appreciation of God’s existence is the argument from fine-tuning of the universe or in other words the design argument.

From the creation of every tiny animate and inanimate creatures to the biggest ones, we can conceivably envision a unique and holistic designed balance and order. Nevertheless, starting from the cosmos and its entailing we shall never see a tiny flawed or imbalanced creation. The universe with its bewildering and blistering stars, galaxies and planets stuns the mind of a rational human being. We no longer live in the era of backwardness, which some will come and utter that the earth is placed on horns of an animal in contrast science and technology had advanced pretty much to inform us about the marvelous wonders of this universe.
Take for instance the life-permitting planet of ours, which is suitable for us to live in it. Not excessively cold, neither too much hot but rather warm for every animate creature. If our planet earth were a bit close or distant from sun than its current position, it would not permit for these complex lives of us. Alternatively, its movements towards sun and itself it gives a big wisdom to us to ponder how miraculously these movements engender the 4 seasons of the year and cover up our days and nights. It is quite astonishing that in 24 hours we settle our work and sleep time. As Allah, swt says that we have created night as a garment and shelter to you and day for your earnings.We see that How Allah swt made Sun subservient to us which by it we grow our cultivation , imagine our planet without having access to the light of sun would every living creature be able to live ? Never. The Moon as a light bulb at night without it our calm and peaceful nights would be turn out to dark and gloomy nights. The atmosphere, which we are, unaware of its benefits. If for any reason, our atmosphere was not existed; living creatures shall cease to exist due to unfiltered radiation of sun, which has endangering elements for us. Thus atmosphere entails a great filtering system and on the other hand the elements which atmosphere has in it; if for any reason one of them had been less or more than its current amount we would die of severe gravitational force.

Physics law such as gravitational force which only a madman would utter that it came accidentally or by chance or from nowhere. The gravity force was discovered by one of the greatest scientists Newton and he had a profound knowledge to discover physics laws, then how irrationally one would believe that these laws came from nothing, created arbitrarily, or came from no knowledge. It is so brute!
We Muslims believe that an all-knowing God the supreme intelligent designer of the universe created all these laws because they can never come from irrational and unconscious physical processes.

There is too much to ponder. In fact, Allah says in the Quran that in the creations of universe, in alteration of day and night there are signs for those who reflect, ponder and believe.

Take for instance the creation of Human beings, how perfectly made we are. Look at the symmetric creation of our body, imagine if we had our eyes on our stomach or our mouth somewhere else than its current place, how dull and severe it would seem to us. On the other hand, look to our hearts since the day we are born until we die this heart never runs by a battery to function itself but never stops its performance until its due time, which is the death. All praise is due to his utmost majesty and mightiness, which we shall never be able to count his uncountable blessings.

Hence, this complex design and order in universe tell us that it is not derived from nowhere, or by chance or from   multiverse. For those who claim that it is all haphazardly by chance; they are not candid with their assertions when it comes to daily life acts, they would never perceive anything to be the work of chance or accidents. However, when it comes to the destined order of universe they simply deny it. They might have an objection that well we do not have evidence for this claim. Ok for the sake of argument, let us say we do not have empirical evidence but when a device is brought to them, which for the first time they are seeing it and they are told that this thing just popped to being by chance or with no creator, these atheists will not believe this. They will say well it must have a creator and if they are asked where your empirical evidence is and you have never seen anything like this complex device before. They will fall incapable of producing any evidence. So here we go; which one is more complex the creation of the universe or this tiny device. Let’s be frank with ourselves and do not imply this absurdity, that this all wondrous, baffling and mind blowing fine-tuned universe came by accident and all these astounding designs in this universe has no designer.

Thus we can conclude in the following premises

1- Every design necessitates a designer

2- The universe is fine-tuned and intelligently designed

3–Therefore,the universe must have a designer

To address about  what or who can be entitled as the designer of this universe, This is another topic needs to be discussed ontologically,,metaphysically,epistemologically and so on.


Written By Abid Bahrami


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